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ОНАЗ імені О. С. Попова
У роботі пропонується розглядати кожен медіа-об'єкт як набір пов'язаних з ним дескрипторів, дана оцінка обсягу метаданих.
In this paper is offered to consider each media object as a set of associated descriptors and estimate the amount of metadata. In multimedia broadcasts, metadata covers both service descriptions and multimedia controls. Metadata is integrated into the transmission cost chain, taking into account all stages of the development of digital television broadcasting. Any metadata is integrated into the standards relating to the digital lifecycle. The concept is the company's idea of understanding syntactically and semantically complex data by improving their essence in a set of simple descriptors. The television scene is composed of several objects. Video objects should be represented by triangulation meshes. The data on the mesh object has spatial and temporal aspects as well as a high dimensional variable at different resolutions, which enhances the task of finding compact, accurate, and easily computable data models. A model that is equivalent to a description of content-oriented metadata should create a lower bit stream than the source data of the mesh object, at least by an order of magnitude. Secondly, the metadata presentation should contain enough information to support a wide class of queries. Finally, the accuracy and speed of queries should be within the tolerances required by users. The search for content based on the metadata description can be represented by three levels of queries: search using descriptors, such as color, texture, shape, or spatial arrangement of image elements. An important part of this methodology is the development of an ontology that completely captures the semantic model of metadata.
Ошаровська О. В. Аудіовізуальні об'єкти та метаданні // Вимірювальна та обчислювальна техніка в технологічних процесах : матеріали XVIIІ міжнар. наук.-техн. конференції (м. Одеса, 8-13 червня 2018 р.). Одеса : ОНАЗ ім. О. С. Попова, 2018. – С. 185-186.
метадані, медіа об'єкти, дескриптори, metadata, media objects, descriptors